Four scenarios where in-person interactions are hugely beneficialWhen you meet someone face to face, the conversation may have a very different outcome compared to when you communicate remotely, via digital ...
Six solid reasons why you want to invest in face-to-face conversationsIn this article I explore how people tend to think and behave more positively when engaged in face-to-face conversations.Have you ...
Six easy lessons from seasoned mountaineersHave you ever wondered how some people always manage to complete what they have planned for the day, rain, hail or shine? Mountaineers are this ...
Listening to the right kind of music at the right time can make you happier, smarter and more productive.A friend of mine told me once, after visiting the gym, that ...
Are you wondering why you don’t see the fruit of your team’s efforts to innovate, and why those promising projects are not getting off the ground?Do any of the following ...
Many established organisations have alluring company values which they put into marketing materials, incorporate into sales pitches and stick up on office walls. Those values are meant to describe in ...
Digital communication technologies offer boundless opportunities for teamwork and business development. However, in this age of non-stop communication, true relationships are becoming increasingly scarce. Which is a real pity – ...
Procrastination is an epidemic. We often struggle to get started with tasks that are in some way scary and challenging – especially when there’s a lot a stake and we ...
As a workplace specialist, I regularly see office spaces of all shapes and sizes. And whenever I’m about to visit the workplace of a small business for the first time, ...
Timeless qualities of workspace design We can hear a lot of discussions recently about how work is changing and what the workplace of the future might look like, and for ...