The Pizag Manifesto
Over the past two decades, I’ve experienced work form many angles, as an architect, consultant, researcher and author. I’ve worked full time and part time in a variety of environments – in corporate and boutique offices, from home and public places, and also on the road. So I’ve had countless opportunities to observe my clients’ and colleagues’ highs and lows, along with my own challenges and triumphs.
My philosophies about work – and life – have also been shaped by my personal experiences, including my travels, living in several countries, and constantly seeking the truth about happiness, success, and living a meaningful life.
Here are 16 principles that I’ve learned or chosen to believe:
- In the age of artificial intelligence, the qualities that make us human are more valuable than ever.
- We all have our own take on productivity, and our own unique ways of tapping into our genius.
- Effective work today requires flexibility, self-direction, and the wisdom to know when, where and how to approach different tasks.
- When you engage in deep conversations, you can often discover within you the solutions to your problems.
- Sometimes you can find answers to your questions in unexpected places – perhaps in your hobbies, interests and life experiences.
- Your body has an intelligence. If you tap into it, you can achieve more than using only your head.
- We are grown-up children. Play is our nature, and a rich source of creativity and inspiration.
- We’re all emotion-driven beings, often irrational and unpredictable. If you truly accept this, you’ll be a better and happier team player.
- If you’re able to collaborate with people who think and work differently from you, you have a massive advantage.
- People need to be informed, empowered, and treated as partners in change, more than they need to be managed.
- The vast majority of people want to do their best work, contribute and grow, but will only make the effort when they feel valued.
- Our workspaces, tools and habits can drive our thinking and actions, and make a difference between having a good day or a bad day.
- Trying out other people’s work tools and methods can help you get on their wavelength and understand their problems and goals better.
- Developing your workplace and your business with the same mindset and approach will work wonders. (For example, to create an innovative workplace, think creatively. To develop a collaborative environment, co-create it.)
- Essentially any places, including zoos, restaurants, schools and hospitals, can teach you something about creating better work environments.
- Creating a thriving workplace is a science and art. Look into evidence, listen to your people with empathy and care, and trust your gut.