As knowledge workers, we spend most of our working hours processing information, solving problems and making decisions. These activities inevitably clutter our headspace and deplete our mental energy, with stress, ...
Don’t be sorry for the mess! People often get apologetic when they show me around their office and it’s not picture perfect. “Sorry for the mess … We are actually ...
Have you seen the scene in Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick’s acclaimed movie, where Bowman finds himself in a bedroom built by aliens in a remote spot in the universe? Or ...
A version of this article was originally posted on the website of Wellness Designs. Sitting still all day, often with bad posture and without doing any exercise, has well-known negative ...
John Cleese, English actor and comedian − and a truly creative writer, as you would probably agree − once held a public lecture on creativity, sharing his knowledge from his ...
We all have a creative streak in us, and the right work environment can help us bring it to the surface. But there are several common misconceptions about how office ...
Have you ever observed in what sort of environments you have the best thoughts? Most people rarely experience moments of clarity while staring at a computer screen, trying hard to ...
Are you seeking a ‘magic tool’? When an organisation decides to change its workplace (e.g. have an upgrade or move to a new location), the process they follow is roughly ...