I remember a time when I was about to meet one of my early clients at his office. We hadn’t met before, and I was a bit nervous about how ...
When looking around a workplace, either as residents or visitors, we tend to draw conclusions about the organisation using the space: Who are these people? What is important to them? ...
Have you ever observed in what sort of environments you have the best thoughts? Most people rarely experience moments of clarity while staring at a computer screen, trying hard to ...
‘One of the best business decisions I’ve made was this office. It had a huge impact on sales, staff attraction, and – definitely – on productivity. Everyone here loves working ...
Positivity at work ‘I don’t care how happy my staff is, I just want them to get the job done…’ Until recently, positivity (or happiness) at work was commonly seen ...
Are you seeking a ‘magic tool’? When an organisation decides to change its workplace (e.g. have an upgrade or move to a new location), the process they follow is roughly ...
But does the space really matter? Many people have a good sense of how the quality of their environment helps them to be happier and more successful at work. So ...